
Friday May 24, 2019
Friday May 24, 2019

Friday May 24, 2019
21 Gun: Chad Jukes - From combat amputee to the summit of Everest!
Friday May 24, 2019
Friday May 24, 2019

Friday May 24, 2019
Friday May 24, 2019

Saturday Apr 20, 2019
Big Announcement... The Future of the WWI Podcast. Where do we go from here?
Saturday Apr 20, 2019
Saturday Apr 20, 2019
So, if you've been a fan of the show for any amount of time, you probably noticed that the most recent episodes have been a little different from the "classic" episode format. I'm aware of this and have been trying to figure out the future of the program. I was on the verge of discontinuing the podcast altogether! Luckily, I made a trip to Bourbiz, a veteran entrepreneur networking group and I found my answer. It is good news and the WWI Podcast isn't going anywhere! There will be some changes but they will only improve my content and make for better programming! Thanks for listening and please head over to www.waitwhatif.com for everything WWI!

Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
I start the show explaining my epiphany on the deal with AOC. I could figure her out for the longest time and then it hit me: she's an adult teenager!
This transitions into the Assault Weapons Ban 2019 and why I personally own firearms. What is the meaning of carrying a weapon? What are your odds of actually needing one? Could the real problem be swimming pools?
Finally, with all the talk about your odds of dying via guns, I delve into the odds of dying in any given year and how some people face certain death boldly.
Grim topics, I know but they make for interesting discussion.

Monday Jan 28, 2019
Episode 113: 2019 Predictions in tech and society! Trigger warning....
Monday Jan 28, 2019
Monday Jan 28, 2019
It's January and that means we're ready for our predictions of what's to come! Will America enter a civil war? Will iPhones become implanted in our brains? Will Savanna Steele finally name her upcoming podcast? Is John a human lie detector? Plus much much more.
Fun episode!
AS always check out John Taylor's www.twistedpodcast.com for one of America's premier true crime podcasts!
Check out www.waitwhatif.com for everything WWI Podcast

Friday Jan 11, 2019
Friday Jan 11, 2019
Ten years ago Tom Naughton was filming a series about his struggle with weight loss when he came upon a popular film called "Supersize Me". Morgan Spurlock's famous war against the Golden Arches took the world by storm but its underlying premise didn't sit well with Tom so he decided to make a movie testing his hypothesis. Could nutritional recommendations we've been fed over the past 50 years be totally wrong?!
For more info visit Tom's site : http://www.tomnaughton.com
Tom's Twitter: @TomDNaughton
Fat Head Movie: http://www.fathead-movie.com/
Fat Head Kids Movie/Book: https://www.fatheadkidsbook.com/
Of course, visit the home of the WWI Podcast for past episodes and more at www.waitwhatif.com
Follow me on twitter @WWIPodcast

Friday Dec 21, 2018
Friday Dec 21, 2018

Friday Dec 07, 2018
Friday Dec 07, 2018
Tonight I had speaker/author Joel Hawbaker to discuss leadership. What is it? Can leaders be taught or are they forged through austerity? Do we have a crisis in leadership in the modern world? What kind of leaders will millennials make? Does the current state of the world produce good leaders?
For more on Joel's books visit his site www.reallifeleading.com or visit his Amazon page.
Joel is a fascinating guy and we had a great episode together! Hope you enjoy!
Of course, follow me on twitter @wwipodcast or visit the official Wait, What If Podcast site www.waitwhatif.com for everything #WWIPodcast related!

Thursday Nov 22, 2018
Thursday Nov 22, 2018
Every Thanksgiving my newsfeed is inundated with stories of how the meaning of Thanksgiving is oppression, colonialism and genocide. I refuse to adopt this revisionist view and choose instead to understand history as a contextual and subjective social science. Furthermore, the modern worldview of Thanksgiving as a day of giving thanks for blessings (agnostically speaking) we've received through the year is honorable and should be embraced.
Thanks for listening! Happy Thanksgiving!